Category: Business

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Software Outsourcing in Vietnam – The Complete Guideline

Software Outsourcing has been the hype in the business world in recent years due to the high demand for Software Development Consulting, so what is Software Outsourcing exactly, is it the right choice for your company, and if yes, where and who…


Commonly mistakes when outsourcing

Outsourcing is efficient when it is conducted properly. The problem with outsourcing relationship is that it’s easy to make mistakes, and once mistakes are made, they are costly to fix. These are several common types of mistakes that an outsourcing…


Offshoring Software Development Pros and Cons

In the software industry, many firms prefer to deliver their software abroad due to different reasons. These are either time, cost, skills, or a combination of the above. Since the boom of information technology, the scope of IT offshoring also…


OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT VS. OUTSOURCING – Which is the Best Fit for Your Business?

If you work in any business-related field, you would have seen the terms “offshore” and “outsourcing” more than once, in either news articles or daily documents. Have you ever wondered what these terms mean exactly, and aren’t they the same?…
